Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Oracle Grid Control 11g Installation

Oracle 11g Grid Control no longer run on Oracle application server, you have to install Middleware Infrastructure Weblogic Server 10.3.2 before GC 11g.

We Can use the following sequence to Install the Grid Control Environment.

1  Install ORacle database and Patches
2. Create database to be used for Grid Repository
3. Install Weblogic Server 10.3.2 and patches.
4. Install Grid Control Software.
5. Install Grid Agent on all the Servers.

1.1 Install RDBMS Software
1.2 Install patch.
NON RAC -  9654983  - Opatch apply - Oracle user
GI + RAC - 9655006  - Opatch auto  - root user

1.3 Create Listener with PORT 1521 or 

2.1 Create Database  using DBCA or sqlplus command Line.

2.2 If you have created the database with default parameters, change the following parameters to ensure its meet minimum requirement for OMS.

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
alter system set session_cached_cursors=210 scope=spfile;
alter system set processes=550 scope=spfile;

Ensure Undo tablespace is aleast 200m size;

-- bounce the database to ensure parameter are effective.
Startup force;

2.3 Deconfigure the EM REporsitory to avoid any failure.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop -sys_PWD -SYSMAN_PWD 

Enter the following Information :
Database SID:
Listener port number :
Password for SYS user:

3.1 WLS 10.3.2
Install WLS and JDK 1.6

3.2 Apply Patches. using $BASE/Middleware/utils/bsu


8990616, 9100465, and 9221722

4.0 Install Management Server. ( Grid Control Server).

4.1 Unzip Grid control Installer
4.2 run Installer


Complete Install by running allroot.sh  from Middleware/oms11g/allroot.sh

5. Install Grid Agent on all the Servers.

cd /u03/app/product
chmod +x agentDownload.linux

./agentDownload.linux -b /u02/agent11gr2 -m servername.domain. -r 4489

64bit Linux :- 

chmod +x agentDownload.linux_x64

./agentDownload.linux_x64 -b /u02/agent11gr2 -m servername.domain. -r 4489 

Note :You might need to use -y option to ensure , agent registration password prompt you.

Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode. - Weblogic Install

$ ./wls1032_linux32.binExtracting 0%....................................................................................................100%

Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
<---------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic --------------------------------------------------------->
This installer will guide you through the installation of WebLogic Type "Next" or enter to proceed to the next prompt. If you want to changedata entered previously, type "Previous". You may quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit".
Enter [Exit][Next]>

Solution : 

Required java is missing on the server or weblogic server installer is failed to find one.
Install SUN JDK 1.6_18 or higher from sun/Oracle Website.


If problem persists.

$java -fullversion

java full version "1.6.0_21-b06"

& Try Installing again.

Install Weblogic Server for Grid Control 11gR1

To Install Weblogic Server 10.3.2 on Linux X64 , download wls1032_generic.jar from oracle.com

$lynx http://download.oracle.com/otn/nt/middleware/11g/wls/wls1032_generic.jar 

$ java -jar wls1032_generic.jar

Extracting 0%....................................................................................................100%

Oracle 11g: Use Direct NFS for Datafiles

Oracle 11g (11.1.1) : Use Direct NFS for Datafiles: -

With Oracle Database 11g release 1 (11.1), instead of using the operating system kernel NFS client, you can configure Oracle Database to access NFS V3 servers directly using an Oracle internal Direct NFS client.

To enable Oracle Database to use Direct NFS, the NFS file systems must be mounted and available over regular NFS mounts. The mount options used are not relevant, as Direct NFS manages settings after installation.

You can use optional oranfstab (in eighter/etc or to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.) to specify additional paths for a mount point.   

Direct NFS determines mount point settings to NFS storage devices based on the configurations in /etc/mtab, which are changed with configuring the /etc/fstab file.
Direct NFS searches for mount entries in the following order:

  1. $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/oranfstab
  2. /etc/oranfstab
  3. /etc/mtab
Direct NFS uses the first matching entry found.

Direct NFS can use up to four network paths defined in the oranfstab file for an NFS server. The Direct NFS client performs load balancing across all specified paths. If a specified path fails, then Direct NFS reissues I/O commands over any remaining paths

Complete the following procedure to enable Direct NFS:

1. Create an oranfstab file
2. use an ODM library, libnfsodm11.so, to enable Direct NFS

1. Sample oranfstab file

server:  MyDataServer1
export: /vol/oradata1 mount: /mnt/oradata1
server: MyDataServer2
path:  NfsPath1
path:  NfsPath2
path:  NfsPath3
path:  NfsPath4
export: /vol/oradata2 mount: /mnt/oradata2
export: /vol/oradata3 mount: /mnt/oradata3
export: /vol/oradata4 mount: /mnt/oradata4
export: /vol/oradata5 mount: /mnt/oradata5

2. Steps to use ODM NFS Library.
  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/lib.
  2. Enter the following commands:
    mv libodm11.so libodm11.so_stub
    ln -s libnfsodm11.so libodm11.so


Step for Cross platform Transportable tablespace

0.1 mkdir /u01/app/oracle/dumpdir
0.2 Create directory dumpdir as '/u01/app/oracle/dumpdir';


2. RMAN> CONVERT TABLESPACE sales_1,sales_2 
         TO PLATFORM 'Microsoft Windows NT'
         FORMAT '/temp/%U';

3. Copy to Destination Server/Host

         TO PLATFORM="Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit)"
         "/hq/finance/work/tru/", "/hq/finance/dbs/tru"

5. IMPDP system/password DUMPFILE=expdat.dmp DIRECTORY=dpump_dir
   REMAP_SCHEMA=(dcranney:smith) REMAP_SCHEMA=(jfee:williams)


Initializing and Tuning Parameters for Parallel Execution

PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS <=> CPU_COUNT x PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU x 2x 5 <=>Specifies the maximum number of parallel execution processes and parallel recovery processes for an instance.

PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE <=> 2 KB (port specific) <=> Increase to 4k or 8k to improve parallel execution performance if sufficient SGA memory exists.

PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER <=> TRUE <=> Causes parallel execution SQL to throttle DOP requests to prevent system overload.

The following example shows a statement that sets the DOP to 4 on a table:

This next example sets the DOP on an index to 4:


This last example sets a hint to 4 on a query:

SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(orders, 4) */ COUNT(*) FROM orders;

The initialization parameter PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT specifies the desired minimum percentage of requested parallel execution servers. This parameter affects DML and DDL operations as well as queries

Gather Table statistics without without invalidating cursors

Gather stats for EMP table in Scott schema without invalidating the Cursor and Explain plan stored in memory.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Setting NO_INVALIDATE to TRUE will ensure plan/cursor doesn't get invalidated after stats collection.

Oracle Database 11g : Database Capture and Database Replay Feature.

Oracle Database 11g : Database Capture and Database Replay Feature.A.1 Capture the workload from production database.

                           dir => 'DUMPDIR',
                           duration => 60);

B.1  Process the Workload. You must process the captured workload before replay. Its recommended to perform this activity on Test system to avoid any adverse impact on production db performance.


Following steps would be require to replay a captured load on Test System.
1) Initialize the Captured workload you like to replay
Execute   DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.INITIALIZE_REPLAY (replay_name => 'REPLAY001', replay_dir => 'DUMPDIR');

2) Query DBA_WORKLOAD_CONNECTION_MAP and ensure you happy with Captured and Replay mapping. update the Remap Connection if necessary using below  procedure.

Execute   DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.REMAP_CONNECTION (connection_id => 101,replay_connection => 'dlsun244:3434/bjava21');

3) Update any Parameter to non default value.

4) Connect to client, you want to use as Replay client and cd to location where capture & processed files are stored.
cd /u01/app/oracle/dumpdir

5) Run the replay client.
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/wrc username/password

6) Come back to previous session and start the replay.

7) use Oracle dictionary Views or Enterprise manager to review progress.

Oracle cluvfy failed with error PRVF-2415 on HP-UX

Oracle Cluster Verfication utility may fail with followin error on HP-UX .

--------cluvfy log --------------------------
File "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

Time zone consistency check passed
Checking settings of device file "/dev/async"
Check for settings of device file "/dev/async" failed.
PRVF-2415 : The minor number of device file "/dev/async" is incorrect on the nodes:
Check failed on nodes:

Starting check for The SSH LoginGraceTime setting ...

Problem: By Default device ID is incorrect for HP-UX 11.31, and need to be created as per oracle minor and major device.

Ho to Manually Configure Database Vault Administrator Configuration for Grid Control

Deploying Database Vault Administrator to the Database Console OC4J Container

To manually deploy Database Vault Administrator to the Database Console OC4J container:
  1. Stop Oracle Database Console.
    • UNIX: Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory and run the following command:
      ./emctl stop dbconsole
    • Windows: In the Administrative Services, select the Services utility, and then right-click the OracleDBConsolesid service. Select Stop from the menu.
  2. Create a backup copy and then open the $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_service_name/config/server.xml file.
  3. Add the following line before the  element:
    On Windows systems, replace $ORACLE_HOME with the absolute path to your Oracle Database home.
  4. Create a backup copy and then open the $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_service_name/config/http-web-site.xml file.
  5. Add the following line before the element:
  6. Restart Oracle Database Console.
    • UNIX: Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory and run the following command:
      ./emctl start dbconsole
    • Windows: In the Administrative Services, select the Services utility, and then right-click the OracleDBConsolesid service. Select Start from the menu.
After you complete these steps, you can start Oracle Database Vault Administrator by using the following URL:
For example:
If you are unsure of the port number, open the ORACLE_HOME/host_sid/sysman/config/emd.properties file and search for REPOSITORY_URL. In most cases, the host name and port number are the same as Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control.